
"I am a little brush that Jesus has chosen in order to paint His own image into the souls entrusted to my care." ~St. Therese

Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Father's Daughter

A father has a very important role in the family. He protects, provides, and leads the family. He, especially, has a huge impact on his daughter's life. His love and care affects her in many ways that she may not even fully realize right away.
Growing up without a father affects a girl greatly. Girls who have lost their fathers and do not receive their love and affirmation on a daily basis anymore often start to lose their self-esteem. They may start to judge themselves and worry that all men are judging them. They also often have a strong desire for acceptance from men because they are not constantly reminded that they are accepted by their father. This leads to their questioning of their worth and their value. As girls grow older and they see other girls beginning to date, this wound becomes stronger. Many girls begin to feel as if they have to find the right guy right away and as soon as possible. It is more difficult for them to wait for their prince charming to come because they do not have their father reassuring them about their beauty and worth.  
Fathers Day is coming up and for many, it can be a painful reminder for those who have lost fathers. When a girl who has lost her father sees everyone spending a whole day with their fathers, it can be extremely difficult. Not only do I know girls who have lost their fathers, but I also can relate to this experience. Having lost my father at the age of eleven when he passed away from a sudden heart attack, I also completely understand this situation.
Over time, however, one can heal from the pain of losing a father. But how?
The answer to this question is God the Father. Ladies, please remember that you are a daughter of God. God the Father is the best Father that anyone could ever imagine. His love is so powerful and unique that no earthly father is even capable of giving that love. If you have lost a father or even if you do not have a good relationship with him, it is possible for the hole in your heart to be healed. It may not happen right away, but over time it will be healed.
Ask The Father to show you His love. You, however, have to be willing to accept it. Ask Him to show you how He sees you. Ask Him to teach you how much you mean to Him and how much you are worth. Ask Him to heal your heart. He loves you more than you could ever imagine and wants to heal you.
And don't worry. If you are called to marriage, God the Father has someone very special in mind and will send him to you in His timing. Never Settle. Trust Him and let Him find your prince charming for you.

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